List Your Thermal Drone Business
Make money with your thermal drone by helping hunters find their lost game. With an annual fee this subscription allows you to be found by hunters actively seeking drone pilots in their area. Drone Deer Recovery draws millions of views on youtube and is the largest network of certified thermal drone pilots in the hunting space. Last season, we helped thousands of hunters to pilots in our network.
Subscription Pays for Itself after 1-2 Recoveries!
*Based off recommended billing of $250 - $450 +$100 if deer is found.
This subscription requires a DDR APPROVED drone such as the DJI Matrice 30T or the DJI Matrice 300 Series.
PART 107 COMMERCIAL DRONE LICENSE REQUIRED. When creating your pilot profile you will be asked to provide proof of your Part 107 Commercial Drone License. Pilots who are not able to provide evidence will not be listed until they provide it.
DRONE SERIAL NUMBER REQUIRED. When creating your pilot profile you will be asked to provide your drones serial number to confirm it falls within the required models.

Why Purchase a Subscription?
Top Features
Here are some of the best reasons why you should list your thermal drone business with Drone Deer Recovery

Best Place to Get Hired
Our map subscription is the best place to get hired as a thermal drone pilot!

You're Next!
Over 68% of the pilot's contacted are hired for a deer recovery. You could be next!

We have listing options for 44 states throughout the US.

Grow Your Drone Business!
That's the total number of views our pilots received last year!
Have a question ? We are here to help.

By subscribing, will I receive training from Mike?
No - this subscription is to appear on the map at dronedeerrecovery.com as an independent, unaffiliated drone pilot.
How is this different than the licensed operator program?
We transitioned away from the licensed operator program in October '23. In that program, drone pilots were licensee's with a sub-contractor relationship. In this subscription, all pilots are independent and unaffiliated. This subscription is for advertising thermal drone services on the map. No subcontractor relationship exists.
Can I only subscribe for 1 month?
We are building the network of the best drone pilots. So we ask for a full one year commitment. We do not have an option for subscribing for anything less then a year at this time.
Can you guarantee a number of leads?
At the time of launching we have gotten over 40k unique website vists in the last 30 days, and have nearly 4 million views on youtube in the last 30 days, we do not guarantee the number of calls or leads you'll get through this service. See the snapshots with our analytics above.
Are there restrictions on what I can charge?
You can charge what you want. However, we encourage pilots to follow the pricing model below:
- Premium service w/ all-weather Drone $450 + $100 if found
- Basic Service w/ entry-level drone. $250 + $100 if found.
Our goal is to make it easy for hunters to find drone pilots in their area. Remember - your price is one of the best ways to communicate your expertise and value. If someone has a big deer on the line, do you think they want the cheapest or the best?
Am I allowed to create a pilot profile in ______ state or in Canada?
Yes - You're creating a drone pilot listing. Even in states where deer recovery may be illegal, there are plenty of pet owners, farmers, and more that need a thermal drone pilot. Currently we do not offer service to Canada.
Am I part of Drone Deer Recovery?
No. You are an independent third party subscribing to a listing service as an advertising service. Submissions with a name of similar likeness to "Drone Deer Recovery" will not be accepted. Your business name must be clear to the casual hunter that you are an independent, unaffiliated party. Drone Pilots that misrepresent themselves as part of Drone Deer Recovery will be immediately removed and blacklisted.
What are we doing to keep the platform safe for hunters?
We will investigate and terminate pilots of whom we receive valid complaints of the unethical practices. If you as a pilot receive a complaint, we may ask you to submit the remote control flight recording. In cases of a pilot scamming or acting unethically, we will immediately remove them from the platform and they will be blacklisted. No partial or complete refund will be issued in accordance with our terms and conditions.
What is the pilot profile page?
The Pilot Profile page is a page where your drone company is listed on dronedeerrecovery.com
What if I want to cancel?
You can cancel the subscription at any time. You will remain listed until the end the current period unless you specifically request us to remove your listing. In either case, you are not due for a partial or full refund. See our complete terms and conditions.